Friday, January 21, 2011

The View from Lazy Point

From a review of this book in the New York Times by Dominique Browning.

"Safina asks us to reconsider the importance of that perennial question: 'What is the meaning of life?' Which, he believes, is the wrong question to be asking because 'it makes you look in the wrong places.' The right question is, 'Where is the meaning in life.' And the place to look is 'between.' In other words, we should look for the ways that all living creatures and all habitats are connected, look for what happens 'between' them. 'Relationships,' he insists, 'are the music life makes. Context creates meaning.

Safina returns again and again to this consideration of interconnectedness, and to the need for each person to cultivate a more considerate life: 'To advance compassion and yet survive in a world of appetites--that is our challenge.' He calls for reverence and caution . . . . 'Ecology, family, community, religion--these words all grope toward the same need: connection, belonging, purpose."

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