Sunday, August 10, 2008

Partial Eclipse

As we learn from James Joyce, life is full of little and big epiphanies. On my last day at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annamakherrig there was a partial eclipse. I tried to capture the moon covering a portion of the sun through the reflections in the nearby lake. All of life, if we are to consider Plato as well as Joyce, is a reflection of reality.

For two weeks, with an eclectic assortment of artists, writers, thinkers and creative spirits, I had the opportunity to reflect on numerous epiphanies. What follows are some of the images of this experience, including a morning spent with Seamus Heaney and a week of travel with my husband in recognition of our 32nd anniversary.

This experience was both an epiphany and a partial eclipse--with just enough Irish music, beer, and poetry to remind me that life is lived in the layers as well as in the moments of transcendence.

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