Sunday, November 23, 2008


In the midst of Thanksgiving and India preparations, the rest of life goes on. Along with loss.

I've been mourning the passing of John Stone: friend and colleague; poet and physician. The Emory Symphony Orchestra is dedicating its upcoming concert to John on December 4th, where they will be playing Ralph Vaughn Williams "A Lark Ascending." I wrote a brief reflection in memory of John's spirit and heart for that event. But there is no way to put into words the profound sense of loss so many of us are feeling.

The doctor in his poem "He Makes a House Call" reflects, "I was just beginning to learn the heart inside out." More than anything else, and even beyond his many accolades and accomplishments, it was John Stone's heart--and his knowledge of our hearts--that gave him such uncommon grace. His poetry continues to live among us.

poetry consists less of finding
what you set out to find, than in learning to live
with what you've stumbled across.

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