Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Misty Mornings: Resolution 2014

"Winds in the east, mist coming in, like something is brewing--about to begin.
Can't put me finger on what lies in store, but I feel what's to happen all happened before."

 --Bert, Mary Poppins

Some thoughts for the coming year, punctuated by my resolution for 2014:

I woke up one morning in late December and thought about a kind of "unlocking" that needs to happen in my life, within myself.  The picture that came to mind was of a box or container within.  Here is one version of what I imagined into being.

I also thought about Mary Poppins satchel, where all sorts of magical items get stored and released into the world.  My friend Anna helped me think of numerous other words for unlocking, words that connected to what I was thinking and wanting for myself: unloose, undo, unfasten, set free, allow to flow or to come forth, to free from being fixed.  All of these qualities I am seeking for myself.

So the action that I have in mind for the coming year is one of unlocking, allowing to flow or to come forth. A kind of magic that needs to happen.

At the same time, I wished for a resolution that more fully described a state of being rather than an action; an action suggests something that I must do. And part of what I want to experience is being rather than doing.

All of these thoughts came to me in the hazy mists of dozing/waking in the early morning.  Given my schedule and other pressing matters, I have not had time or inclination over the past year to allow my mind to wander or to drift.  And it struck me that the unhurried and unfocused morning thoughts are where I want to dwell. That state is neither here not there; it's betwixt and between, neither waking nor sleeping.

I'm seeking that misty state of being, the one promising that something is brewing, about to begin--and that what's to happen has happened before.

Thus, that liminal state of being, "occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a threshold" has selected me for my New Year's Resolution 2014. 

Liminal: of or relating to a sensory threshold; barely perceptible; in-between.

"Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame."
--W.B. Yeats

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