Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Beyond 2013

My blog, like other introspective parts of my life, has been neglected for the past year.  Perhaps its time of robustness has reached a natural conclustion.  Or perhaps, for just a little while longer, I can still post a few insights here--and certainly my New Year's thoughts.

2013 was full of very few peaks and many, many valleys.  In fact those valleys seemed often like troughs or gullies. There were sadnesses, losses, disappointments, and sorrows. And a few meaningful journeys of the interior and exterior domain.  And, all in all, there was too much work (for me!).

The writer and adventurer Isak Dinesen once wrote that "all sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them."

I've been separated--from my own story, from myself.  This is due to circumstances, decisions, conditions, and fate.  I'm thinking of ways to re-kindle those connections within myself, as this year with all its gulleys also found depths of being.


The heart remembers everything it loved and gave away,
everything it lost and found again, and everyone
it loved, the heart cannot forget. 

--Joyce Sutphen,
What the Heart Cannot Forget

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