Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Between Traveler

In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a state of being, between two lives, which is where the Between Traveler dwells.

In just 48 hours I will leave my idyllic abode here at Annamakherrig and travel to the sights and sounds of Dublin. Tonight I am posting a collection of images of friends and fellow travelers, along with their artwork--as I begin to prepare for the next stage of my journey.

This posting includes pictures of Elizabeth Greisman, Dixie Friend Gay, and Antoinette Breen, represting Toronto, Houston, and Laois, Ireland.

1 comment:

Ervlynn said...

I know you hate to think about leaving--but I know you'll be glad to see Ron and meet up with some relatives. I hope your stay has been productive. I know that we've enjoyed it. Lynn